
Today my tears ran down my face again. But why? You should never let yourself into tears.. unless they are of the happy kind ofc. I don't know wich type these were, but I'm pretty sure they weren't the good ones.

Someone once told me "No man is worth your tears, and the one who might be, will never make you cry" and that's just soooo true. But.. this night I didn't cried about a man or a person. I just felt so fuckin' alone I couldn't hold it back.

I stood by my balcony wraped in a big blanket just stearing at everything and nothin'. Thinking about my favourite songs and hummed them for a halv an hour. I didn't care about the cold or the neightboors staring at me when they walked down the stairs a few meters away.. I cried... and only a big hug could stop it.

A hug can do sooo much more then you think. A hug.. a real one.. is a confirmation that someone really cares. I know that many people out there care about me. And they don't have to hug me all the time to confirm it, but if you are unsure about someone, and that certain person gives you this big hug, you know, that this probably is a friend you can count on.

Some hugs are fake though. They feel real, but they aren't. And as long as I know, I don't think I ever got one of those. And for that I'm happy.

Why am I writing this in english then? Well.. maybe because I feel pathetic crying sometimes by myself... and in english, In my opinion, everything sort of gets a bit less personal.

And... believe it or not.. I got many readers at this blog who doesn't even know swedish. They are a bit crazy. But hey.. who aren't? :(

Im going to bed now... hoping for someone out there to send me a textmessage saying "good night friend!".

I don't think I'll get one tonight... but... as I allways say.. life goes on! And perhaps you just need to cry some to appreciate the good times, I dont know.....  I wish I had someone to share my tears with though..

Postat av: Robin

*im kissing your tears away*

2007-07-25 @ 15:32:41

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