Picking Your Dream Design
Satt och funderade lite på tatueringar... vad man ska göra härnäst. Har ju velat göra en på ryggen.. men jag har inte riktigt vågat. Mest för att jag vill ha en ganska stor i sådana fall, ingen liten fjuttig sak. Satt och googlade efter lite inspiration... och snubblade över en ganska bra text (se längre ner i inlägget).
Angående min första och enda tatuering så bestämde jag mig ju samma dag som jag bokade in tiden, vad jag skulle tatuera. Och den betyder verkligen iiiiingenting. Möjligen att jag ville kolla om jag kunde vara så pass spontan att göra en helt icke genomtänkt opersonlig tatuering, och det gjorde jag :) men själva motivet detyder nada. 4 dagar hade jag på mig mellan bokingen av tiden och själva utförandet :p .... jag har bara tur att jag fortfarande inte ångrar mig.
Ren idioti av mig egentligen när jag tänker efter.
(En sån har jag hahah.....)
*no comment*
Picking Your Dream Design
Källa: www.sinoftheskin.com
Tattoos are very common these days, with nearly 1 in 4 people having at least one. Tattoos represent an art form, and allow people to broadcast who they are. Even though they are popular, most people will end up regretting them. In most cases, those who regret tattoos didn’t think about their design or take the time to choose the best tattoo for them. Even though it is possible to get a tattoo removed, the process is expensive and quite painful. To prevent this from happening, you should always take some time and find the perfect tattoo – your dream design.
Instead of trying to save some money, you should never choose a studio or artist based on how cheap they are. Cheaper artists and studios normally lack in work quality, which is why they are able to charge cheaper prices. Instead, you should look for the best studio and artist that you can find close to your area. Even though it may be expensive – the quality and design will be well worth it.
For some, their dream design is a person. This can be a loved one or someone who has passed on. You can always use a design or symbol that means something to you and reminds you of them or you can always use their face. Good tattoo artists can make magical tattoos with meaning, whether it is someone’s face or a symbol that brings out meaning.
Sometimes, it can be hard picking out your dream design. If you have an idea in mind but are still not sure what you want, you can always research. You can get tattoo books, theme books, magazines, or just research online. By looking at designs you may find something similar to what you are interested in. Once you have found it, all you need to do is sit down with your tattoo artists and come up with your dream tattoo design.
If you have a basic idea for something small in mind, you can always have it tattooed then come back later and have more added on. The best thing about tattoos is the fact that they can always be added to later. This can be a great thing if you want to try a smaller tattoo first, and then decide whether or not you want to get it bigger. If you start with a fraction of your dream design, you can always finish it up later on.
Whenever you get your dream tattoo you should always take time selecting the design. Tattoos will stay with you forever, which is why you should pick them carefully. If you put the necessary time and thought into it now, you won’t regret it later. Your dream design should be very important, and hold meaning. This way, every time you look at it – you’ll be reminded of that special moment in time and you’ll never forget about it.
Angående min första och enda tatuering så bestämde jag mig ju samma dag som jag bokade in tiden, vad jag skulle tatuera. Och den betyder verkligen iiiiingenting. Möjligen att jag ville kolla om jag kunde vara så pass spontan att göra en helt icke genomtänkt opersonlig tatuering, och det gjorde jag :) men själva motivet detyder nada. 4 dagar hade jag på mig mellan bokingen av tiden och själva utförandet :p .... jag har bara tur att jag fortfarande inte ångrar mig.
Ren idioti av mig egentligen när jag tänker efter.
Gwee kan man säga är en karaktär från en.. hmm hur ska man förklara... manga-community? gaia online. Bilden är tagen från en jigsaw (pussel) som är en av spelen man kan spela där :p
Man spelar spel och är aktiv för att samla in gold. För pengarna kan man sen köpa gear till sin gaia-gubbe. Man gjorde inget annat än att samla ihop unika kläder och accessoarer till sin avatar. På senare tid har dock gaia online utvecklats. Nu kan man göra iordning ett hus och köpa grejer till.
Skittöntigt egentligen, men det var ändå ganska bra tidsfördriv i skolan :p
Man spelar spel och är aktiv för att samla in gold. För pengarna kan man sen köpa gear till sin gaia-gubbe. Man gjorde inget annat än att samla ihop unika kläder och accessoarer till sin avatar. På senare tid har dock gaia online utvecklats. Nu kan man göra iordning ett hus och köpa grejer till.
Skittöntigt egentligen, men det var ändå ganska bra tidsfördriv i skolan :p
(En sån har jag hahah.....)
*no comment*
Picking Your Dream Design
Källa: www.sinoftheskin.com
Tattoos are very common these days, with nearly 1 in 4 people having at least one. Tattoos represent an art form, and allow people to broadcast who they are. Even though they are popular, most people will end up regretting them. In most cases, those who regret tattoos didn’t think about their design or take the time to choose the best tattoo for them. Even though it is possible to get a tattoo removed, the process is expensive and quite painful. To prevent this from happening, you should always take some time and find the perfect tattoo – your dream design.
Instead of trying to save some money, you should never choose a studio or artist based on how cheap they are. Cheaper artists and studios normally lack in work quality, which is why they are able to charge cheaper prices. Instead, you should look for the best studio and artist that you can find close to your area. Even though it may be expensive – the quality and design will be well worth it.
For some, their dream design is a person. This can be a loved one or someone who has passed on. You can always use a design or symbol that means something to you and reminds you of them or you can always use their face. Good tattoo artists can make magical tattoos with meaning, whether it is someone’s face or a symbol that brings out meaning.
Sometimes, it can be hard picking out your dream design. If you have an idea in mind but are still not sure what you want, you can always research. You can get tattoo books, theme books, magazines, or just research online. By looking at designs you may find something similar to what you are interested in. Once you have found it, all you need to do is sit down with your tattoo artists and come up with your dream tattoo design.
If you have a basic idea for something small in mind, you can always have it tattooed then come back later and have more added on. The best thing about tattoos is the fact that they can always be added to later. This can be a great thing if you want to try a smaller tattoo first, and then decide whether or not you want to get it bigger. If you start with a fraction of your dream design, you can always finish it up later on.
Whenever you get your dream tattoo you should always take time selecting the design. Tattoos will stay with you forever, which is why you should pick them carefully. If you put the necessary time and thought into it now, you won’t regret it later. Your dream design should be very important, and hold meaning. This way, every time you look at it – you’ll be reminded of that special moment in time and you’ll never forget about it.